Elevated Logix is a delivery management platform to optimize and organize logistics operations.
Elevated Logix is a same-day delivery Texas courier and logistics company located in San Antonio, TX. With a mission of connecting people with goods and services.
Richard Hohensee, the CEO of Elevated Logix, needs to develop a new delivery management platform, and it focuses on customizing the Locologic to meet the project requirements.
The major players are:
- Customer
- Super-user(H-E-B Pharmacy)
- Sub-users(Cost centers)
- The Administrator
- Sub-administrators
- Driver

Locologic will be customized for this purpose and branded to match the client’s business. The platform will deliver online business management features, including order and delivery management, vehicle and driver management, exporting various reports, deliveries, and drivers.
The customer portal will allow users to view, create, track and manage orders. The driver mobile app makes it easier for every driver to view the delivery details and update their status, including proof of delivery. The platform will also allow integration with 3rd party systems with an API to allow orders to be placed in real-time.
Business Model
A web-based administration area will provide for the administrator to control the primary functions of the platform. Once the administrator has successfully logged in to the platform, they will get the primary administration dashboard.
The map interface will provide a rich user experience in finding the real-time status of in-progress and unassigned deliveries.
Quick statistics like the number of active drivers, the number of new/unassigned deliveries, the number of completed deliveries will be floated in three independent tabs. In-progress deliveries will list from top to bottom based on the latest to old assigned basis and the current status.
The administrator can view and manage deliveries and assign drivers. It consists of a standard search box for searching an order by inputting the order number/ID, pick-up or drop-off address, and delivery status. In addition, there are two dedicated search boxes for searching for delivery based on customer and driver names.
Thus, the administrator can quickly search for an appropriate customer and driver by searching a customer/driver name or selecting from the drop-down.
A list of deliveries can sort according to the selected customer/driver. The list of assigned and unassigned deliveries consists of Order Number/ID, Driver Name, Pick-up and drop-off address, Delivery Status, and Package details.
The administrator can select the desired delivery from the list and click the view action button to land on the detail page of that delivery. The administrator can view, manage and create package types to the platform for users.
Customer (Super-user)
Only the administrator can create a new super-user to the platform manually as part of an onboarding process. The main view of the dashboard will provide a dynamic figure (a number in delivery today), a link to get the latest status of those deliveries, the entire order history, and a search box for tracking a specific order by placing an order ID.
A link to access order history will lead users to the deliveries listing page containing pending, assigned/in-progress, and completed deliveries. An implanted search box will lead users to a real-time tracking page upon searching by a specific order.
The platform will lead users to a tracking page to view real-time tracking details like order ID, order status, driver location, driver name and contact information, estimated delivery time and date, pick-up, and drop-off location.
If users place irrelevant values while creating the delivery, the system will validate it and notify with an appropriate message timely. The super-user can quickly search a proper cost center by searching a cost center name or selecting from the drop-down.
The super-user can create and manage sub-users under their account. Users can change their user name, email address, and change password option.
Driver App
Drivers must have appropriate permission levels to access the driver app for the first time. Only the administrator can create a new driver to the platform manually as part of an onboarding process.
Once the driver successfully signed-in to the platform, the app will prompt with an option to start duty.
Drivers can view the list of deliveries from the “My Deliveries” screen. They can manage the assigned orders according to their convenience.
The driver can update the following status on various circumstances – Picked Up or Rejected, Out for Delivery, Delivered, and Not Delivered. Drivers can review and confirm their status, pick-up, and drop-off locations within the application.
The map interface will navigate them to the destination. Real-time driver tracking is working based on the status updating and live location. Customers and the administrator can track the driver based on this feature.
Do you need to connect your online platform with any delivery driver app?
Last-mile delivery is one of the biggest hassles involved in online selling. A delivery driver app is the best solution to optimize last-mile delivery for 3PL companies, restaurants, grocery stores, e-commerce companies, and many more.
Let’s have look at the Locologic Last-mile delivery app.
Locologic is a driver delivery app that can be integrated easily with any of the above use cases.
Delivery driver app for Android/iOS are available in Locologic.
It’s true that last-mile delivery optimization can improve your logistics. Look at tips and optimization of last-mile delivery.